VDV Conferences & Meetings

Delegation of competence by the managers. How do we handle this?

The delegation of the competence constitutes a very interesting and efficient manner to organize its company.

This efficiency suppposes that the applicable rules be obeyed and that the adequate formalities be respected.

During this seminar organized in the law firm of VDV AVOCATS, Fabienne van der Vleugel reminds the applicable legal rules.

The American territory. A dream?

Developping the business in the US requires a preparation, a good business plan, a team, a rigourous analysis and good advices.

VDV AVOCATS gives some tips during this conference organized in its law firm.

Transfer and restructuration of enterprises.

Fabienne van der Vleugel, lawyer specialist in company law (certified by the French National Council of Bars) with a specific qualification in transfer and restructuration of enterprises explains the evolution of this matter.

What are the important items to handle?
How do we prepare the transfer?
How do we set up the team to work with?
How do I evaluate the business?

VDV AVOCATS studies those questions with its clients and the business partners during this conference organized in its law firm.

The so-called, in French, "Conventions règlementées". What are those agreements?

The ordinary shareholder's general meetings constitute very important meetings in the company's developpement.

This is the time to submit to the shareholers' approval various items.

This is also the time to handle the so-called, in French, "Conventions règlementées".

During this VDV breakfast meeting, VDV AVOCATS explains the most important characteristics of those agreeements.

Salary's participation to the capital of enterprises : a way to manager the company.

Participation of employees in the capital of the enterprise : a way to develop the company.

What are the conditions and the consequences? Under which circumstances may the company think about implemeting such measures? How do we implement them?

VDV AVOCATS discusses these questions with its clients and businesses partners during this conference organized in its law firm.