VDV Conferences & Meetings

Conferences with the French Federation Building (department 77, France)

During 2 days – 10 March 2021 and 1st April 2021 – Ms Isabelle MILLET, Assistant to the Directorate of Construction Legal Affairs 77, has organized conferences, with Fabienne van der Vleugel, to explain tips and methods to handle unpaid invoices.

The objective consisted in explaining plainly and very concretely how enterprises may organize internal procedures and ensure adapted treasury management.

It is indeed necessary, for enterprises, and particularly for small and medium businesses, to make sure their invoices are duly paid, in conformity with general sales conditions. In case of recalcitrant debtors, adequate debt collection procedures must be defined.

Three specific time-period have been described : tips for the period BEFORE the execution of the construction site ; advices for the period DURING the execution of the construction site ; what measures to put in place as soon as the entrepreneur is suffering first late payments.

Some examples and concrete situations have been explained to help understanding the consequences and advantages of various helpful methods.

Fabienne van der Vleugel is accompanying various companies, located in Seine et Marne, or other departments, to handle unpaid invoices, by defining strategy and initiating judicial procedures and/or conducting negotiations.

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