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"Word to mediators" - Mediation in administrative tribunal in Melun

The new website of the administrative tribunal of Melun has been adapted and includes a new brochure explaining the characteristics of mediation in administrative procedures.

This brochure is very well done.

It contributes to the development of mediation in administrative procedures. Already in June 2018, during the 25th UIA world Forum of mediation centers, the president of the administrative tribunal of Melun, Sylvie Favier, explained how mediation would develop in the administrative tribunal and the specificities of mediation n this field of law.

Some pages of the published brochure contain testimonies of three mediators, amongst others the testimony of Fabienne van der Vleugel, which can be read as follows (in French) :

"La médiation, c’est l’opportunité pour les personnes qui vivent un conflit d’oser se rencontrer, dans un contexte confidentiel protégé par le médiateur, aux fins de fixer elles-mêmes une solution au litige qui les oppose. C’est l’occasion, pour chacune d’elles, de faire preuve d’imagination et de négocier une issue adaptée, pragmatique, globale et définitive, parce que chacune des parties médiées a la volonté ferme d’aboutir. Le juge ne tranchera pas, en droit, le dossier, mais constatera l’accord dont les termes resteront confidentiels, sauf si les parties conviennent de répercuter leurs engagements dans un protocole d’accord transactionnel homologué. Il n’y aura donc pas de possibilité d’appel, ni aucune difficulté liée à des mesures d’exécution forcée, puisque les parties médiées exécuteront spontanément l’accord qu’elles auront convenu. Il y aura, par contre, la satisfaction partagée d’avoir pu mettre un terme au différend de façon rationnelle, et de tourner la page en ayant purgé les véritables problèmes sous-jacents."

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WHO'S WHO Thought Leaders - France 2021.

Fabienne van der Vleugel has been nominated as being one of the "Thought Leaders in France 2021" in the field of MEDIATION (page 27) with 3 other colleagues mediators.

As per the criteria imposed by this guide, entry to this level requires "the highest number of nominations from peers, corporate counseil and other marked sources" in most recent research.

WHO'S WHO LEGAL MEDIATION 2020 : Top 11 nomination.

In the last edition of WHO'S WHO LEGAL MEDIATION 2020 (page 37), Fabienne van der Vleugel (VDV AVOCATS) has again been nominated, with 10 other mediators, in the list of mediators for FRANCE.

The 2014 April edition "Who’s Who Legal FRANCE 2014", in its article "Mediation Marketplace Analysis" (web site), and in its paper edition (page 68) already analysed the development of mediation in France :

« [---] Mediation in France’s commercial sector is slowly gaining momentum. The civil procedure code contains modern provisions to facilitate the use of mediation and new legislation is expected to encourage the development of ADR in France. Eleven lawyers are selected for inclusion, demonstrating its growing popularity. [---] Fabienne van der Vleugel, founder of VDV Avocats is “going from strength to strength” in the fields of mediation, negotiation and court-approved consensus arbitration. She is head of the firm’s ADR department and regularly appointed as an institutional mediator for conducting mediations in French or English. [---]”
(source : Who's Who Legal France 2014, cf. lien web).

Despite covid-19, mediation is and remains an adequate alternative dispute resolution offering to the mediated parties the possibility to master their conflict, to negotiate it and fix a negotiated adapted durable solution with the help of the mediator.

In SERRIS, the law firm VDV AVOCATS has been built in such a way to permit Fabienne van der Vleugel, in her capacity of either judicial mediator or ad hoc mediator, to organize mediation and private/plenary sessions, with presence of parties and counsels and/or to organize visio conferences.

Mediation is a modern new way to manage conflicts, which integrates a part of daring and flexibility.

Mediated parties may be offered the possibility, if they wish so, to use on line mediation mixed, or not, with face to face meetings.

On line mediation may also permit mediated parties to master the conflict and to fix the solution they want to negotiate, with the help of their lawyers, and under the supervision of the mediator – who is controlling and organizing the processes.

During the last world UIA Forum of mediation centers, organized on line, in September 2020, one of the sessions was precisely about on line mediation : the modern tool MODRON has been explained by its creator, M. Nathan POLITO, who took the time to explain its characteristics to the audience.

WHO'S WHO LEGAL France 2020 : Top-17 nominees.

WHO'S WHO LEGAL France 2020 (pages 69-71) has published its selection of "17 outstanding mediators recognised for their work on a variety of complex commercial disputes" amongst whom Fabienne van der Vleugel.

The review explains that "[---] Nominees have been selected based on comprehensive, independent survey work with both general counsel and private practitioners worldwide. Only specialists who have met independent international research criteria are listed." (page 71).

"Next 28th UIA world FORUM of mediation centers will be virtual", JURISTE INTERNATIONAL, Lexis Nexis, 2020.2, page 21.

Considering the international covid crisis, Fabienne van der Vleugel, president of the UIA world FORUM of mediation centers, with the consent of UIA, has decided to organize the 28th UIA FORUM in a virtual form, with 4 high-standard professional webinairs.

You may read the summary of those webinairs in page 21 of the review JURISTE INTERNATIONAL (see annex).

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